What a nice start of October with a great life-presentation from Crescentia Dünßer : a well known director, actress, and theater manager in Germany!!
Comments closedWhat a nice start of October with a great life-presentation from Crescentia Dünßer : a well known director, actress, and theater manager in Germany!!
Comments closedLast Thursday we had the chance to be part of the presentation
of Antonia Schöller with the topic:
“Learning nuggets about health psychology in yoga.”
The board handover took place on Friday 14 of July 2020.
It was a chance to remember what we achieved last year but also a chance to take more energy and connect with each other for this year….
Last week we hosted our traditional beer garden meeting at Augustiner Keller!
This time we had the chance to…
Comments closedOur Mentoract Gardening Event took place Friday 7 of August 2020!
It was a great afternoon at the refugees home at Implerstraße. We all enjoyed a great BBQ in the garden of the guys…but not only.…
Comments closedDear friends, guests and members of Rotaract Munich-International, we have come to the conclusion that Rotaract activities and meetings will be suspended until April 23rd.…
Comments closedLast Friday our yearly speeddating event took place. It was a very successful event: We had many participants both Rotaracters and guests and many speeddate – matches.
Comments closedLast Thursday we met at Hofbräuhaus Munich where Dr. W. Böcker held a very interesting speech about “Age Traumatology”.
Comments closedLast Thursday we had a very interesting speech about “open med” held by Korbinian Lanz.
Comments closed
Yesterday we met for Bavarian Curling at Bambergerhaus. Afterwards we had a nice dinner, thanks to everyone for the fun evening!