Yesterday we had a fun meeting with both our members and guests. We met at Bambergerhaus and talked about projects for the upcoming year before our summer breaks starts.
Comments closedYesterday we had a fun meeting with both our members and guests. We met at Bambergerhaus and talked about projects for the upcoming year before our summer breaks starts.
Comments closedLast weekend we celebrated our 15th club anniversary with many Rotaracters, Rotarians as well as some friends coming from all over Germany and even from different countries. We started our charter with a casual dinner at the “Park Café” in Munich’s city center.
Comments closedLast Saturday the district conference took place in Munich. We started the day with a teambuildung session: Drumming together with Drum Café.
Afterwards we reviewed the Rotarian year and we had a presentation of Rotary exchange students.
Besides that the best price for three social projects within the district was awarded followed by a presentation from sponsored students (Rotary scholarship holders).
Comments closedLast Thursday’s Chatmeeting was a lot of fun. We enjoyed some great food and drinks in Munich’s restaurant “Meschugge” in the heart of Munich in good company!
Comments closedToday we had a great time building hotels for bees at the Implerstraße. It allowed us to work with Rotaract München Punkt, to meet new Rotarian friends
Comments closedLast Friday we had a great afternoon at the refugees home at Implerstraße. We joined the guys for a barbecue which took place in their garden.
Comments closedLast Thursday we had a Chatmeeting at Bar Deja bu, a French wine bar in Munich. We enjoyed the evening while having good wine, snacks…
Comments closedLast Friday our yearly speeddating event took place. It was a very successful event: We had many participants both Rotaracters and guests and 13 speeddate – matches. Furthermore we were able to foster the relationship between our club and Rotaract Bavaria. The revenues generated were donated to the Kult 9 Stiftung. We thank everyone for participating and hope that next year’s speeddating will be as successful as this year.
Comments closedLast Saturday we had our „one more buy“ campaign where we offered supermarket customers the opportunity to support the Münchner Tafel with food donations. For this purpose, the Rotaract shift team stood at the entrance of the cooperating supermarket, informed the customers about
Comments closedLast weekend our partner club Rotaract Club Firenze visited us in Munich. We had a great weekend full of exchange and fun. On Friday we had dinner at the bavarian restaurant…
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