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Speed dating 2017 – Dating for a good cause!

April 22nd and we did it again :-). RAC München Bavaria and RAC Munich International had their annual Speed dating event, to connect the hearts of the Rotaracters and to collect money for two great projects. This year we collected 1000 Euro which will be donated to two different NGOs. The first NGO to receive the donation will be “Recycle up Ghana”, which helps young people and students to increase their awareness about plastics and rubbish which will hopefully change their mindset about recycling in general. In Ghana and other parts of Africa, they don’t use waterbottels for drinking, they use plastic bags, which has a disastrous environmental effect on land and sea. ”Recycle up Ghana” teaches students to collect those bags and recycle them into useful everyday items that the local community could benefit from. The second NGO is a local Organisation in Munich, which kindly offered us the use of their rooms for our Speed dating event. The “Offene Behindertenarbeit (OBA)” is a team of social workers, interns, paid and honorary staff, who organise events and activities for abled and disabled bodied people to take part in. A total of 22 women and 22 men participated in this event.

Thanks a lot!! 🙂



Published in Sonstiges