Belated Happy New Year to all of you! Yesterday we traditionally celebrated the new year with our New Year’s Brunch at Bapas.
Comments closedBelated Happy New Year to all of you! Yesterday we traditionally celebrated the new year with our New Year’s Brunch at Bapas.
Comments closedLast Wednesday we went to the Christmas party at Implerstraße. We bought the refugees a soccer table as a present and have immediately inaugurated it.
Comments closedLast Thursday Werner Tiki Küstenmacher, the author of the bestseller “simplify your life”, presented
Comments closedOn 22 November we supported and faciliated another successfull charity art auction hosted by Rotary Munich International. This event takes place on an annual basis and this year’s donations support the Orlandus Lassus Foundation, the Barefoot College in India as well as Rotary scholar ships.
Comments closedLast week Mrs Susanne Merten-Wente and Sara held a speech about Rotary’s Scholarship Programme. Sara shared her experiences of her year abroad sponsored by Rotary…
Comments closedLast Thursday we had a meeting in order to discuss the social projects for the Rotarian year 2019/2020.
Comments closedLast Friday we exchanged the speaker from Julian Reichelt to Julian Merino. We enjoyed his speech about how telecommunication helps digital transformation. We are very thankful for his spontaneous engagement.
Oktoberfest 2019
Yesterday we went to the Armbrustschützen Festzelt at Oktoberfest.
Comments closedLast Thursday our first Meeting in the Rotarian year 2019 / 2020 took place. Frank Ruppert held a very interesting speech about “selling medical crutches as a startup entrepreneur”.
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We were happy to get together with new guests and guests from other clubs in Augustinerkeller at our annual beergardenmeeting. We were a mix of different nations (also from far away like Mexico and Colombia) and had good food and nice weather. Some people went to bars together afterwards.