What a start!
Not only did our very awesome district speaker Viktoria Carazavec visit us and explain the District and the mission of Rotaract in Germany, and especially in Munich, but she highlighted all the amazing activities and actions that are planned for the year 2023/24.
After that, our guest Bengi talked about her experiences with Rotaract in Turkey. She gave us new ideas for social projects and events. Thank you for this interesting presentation!
Our new president Ella introduced the board for this year, presented the upcoming speaker meetings and her plans for the year. It is going to be a banger!
Some of the upcoming events are:
- Chess Grandmaster Stefan Kindermann (28.09.2023)
- Visit from Rotaract Club Haifa (Israel) in December
- Pub Quiz with Rotarct Munich-Residenz
- And many more!
Especially as it is our Charter year, we will be celebrating 20 years of Rotaract Munich-International!
We had a very special surprise visit by our partner Rotary Club Martinsried, so looking forward to working with them more in the future.
If you are interested in our club, feel free to reach out to us anytime!